четверг, 29 октября 2015 г.

GEN 499 Week 4 Critical Thinking Quiz New

1. All sages provide both wisdom and inspiration. Since Dasha’s speech contained wisdom and greatly inspired her audience, Dasha is a sage. 
Which one of the following points out the flaw in the argument above?
2. Since Jessica’s participation in local politics increased significantly after she joined her school’s political science club, it is clear that her involvement in that club led her to take an interest in politics. 
The argument above is flawed because:
3. People have claimed that Jamie’s paintings have given them the blues. Clearly this cannot be entirely correct, since many of Jamie’s paintings contain no blue at all. 
The argument above is flawed because the author:
4. The average height of members of the high school basketball team is six feet, three inches. Jerry is on the high school basketball team, so Jerry must be taller than six feet.
The argument above is flawed because it confuses
5. Reporter: A new campaign finance reform bill being considered by Congress would limit the amount of campaign contributions that political candidates can receive. However, a survey of candidates running for mayor, governor, and senate seats shows that not one of them favors the bill. Clearly, there is no desire among politicians to limit campaign contributions. 
Which one of the following points out the flaw in the reporter’s argument above?
6. Catherine goes to her local movie theater only to see romantic comedies. Since Catherine did not go to the movies yesterday, there is not a romantic comedy playing at her local theater. 
The reasoning above is flawed because the evidence:
7. Career counselor: It is best for artists to build a practical and safe career that will guarantee them a secure income, and then pursue their art in their spare time. That way, they will be motivated to work hard at their day jobs to support their art making, and both their career and their art will thrive. 
Which one of the following, if true, would most weaken the argument?
8. Aron: The two double A batteries in my CD player are dead, so the CD player doesn’t work. My television remote control, which also uses two double A batteries, works fine. So if I move the two batteries from my television remote control to my CD player, the CD player will definitely work. 
Aron’s argument is most strengthened if which one of the following is true?
9. Some politicians claim to support the environment in speeches they make around the country. However, to get to those speeches they ride in gas guzzling, pollution creating private planes. They therefore clearly don’t believe a word of what they say and are actually making the environmental problem worse. 
Which one of the following, if true, would best weaken the argument above?
10. Last season at City Opera House, far more people attended opera X than opera Y. However, opera Y generated far greater net profits for City Opera House than did opera X. 
Each of the following could directly explain the result indicated above EXCEPT:
11. Surveys show that people who use calorie information to decide which foods to eat consume on average 100 calories less than they would if they didn’t check calorie information before eating. Strangely though, people who use calorie information in this way weigh more on average than people who don’t check calorie information before eating. 
Which one of the following, if true, best explains the surprising statistic stated above?
12. Choose the pair of words/phrases among the choices that exhibits the same logical relationship as the words/phrases in the following pair. 
heavy : weight
13. Choose the pair of words/phrases among the choices that exhibits the same logical relationship as the words/phrases in the following pair. 
building : blueprint
14. Choose the pair of words/phrases among the choices that exhibits the same logical relationship as the words/phrases in the following pair. 
gavel : judge
15. Memmie: The greater the population near a restaurant, the more potential customers it has and the greater chance its popularity will spread through word-of-mouth. O’Sullivans Restaurant just opened in the very densely populated town of Redville, so its chances for success are great. 
Sam: But the more people living in an area, the more restaurants there are in that area, so the more competition each one faces. There are twelve other restaurants serving the people of Redville.
Memmie and Sam seem to disagree about whether:
16. Arthur: The solutions to most mystery novels I read are not believable. However, my enjoyment of a mystery novel depends only on its suspenseful mood and colorful characters. 
Norton: Roughly 80% of the mystery novels I read have believable solutions, which is good since I do not enjoy mystery novels that don’t have believable solutions. 
The speakers above:
17. In a survey of 10 film historians, half voted for Nosferatu as the greatest vampire film ever made, and the other half voted forDracula. However, when asked which lead vampire character they considered more charismatic, all of the film critics choseDracula over Nosferatu
Based on the information above, it must be true that for some film critics, their feelings about the charisma of the lead character:
18. Some drugs combat obesity or alcohol addiction by turning off pleasure centers in the brain. However, if the dosage is too high, there’s a risk that people taking them will be plunged into depression. 
The statements above, if true, support which one of the following assertions?
19. Some drugs combat obesity or alcohol addiction by turning off pleasure centers in the brain. However, if the dosage is too high, there’s a risk that people taking them will be plunged into depression. 
The statements above, if true, support which one of the following assertions?
20. Looking to increase the profits of his lemonade stand, Johann doubled the price of a cup of lemonade from 25 cents to 50 cents. This clearly shows Johann’s lack of business sense, for now he’ll almost certainly sell fewer cups at the new price and therefore make less money than before. 
The argument above assumes that:
21. A company can either invest in employee training seminars or update its computer network. Since updating the computer network would result in more measurable benefits, the company would be best off updating its computer network. 
The argument above assumes that:
22. Detective: The robbery at the mall was carried out by a mall employee acting alone roughly one hour after the mall closed last Saturday night. The only employees present at the mall at the time of the robbery were security guards Evans and Clark. Since the mall’s surveillance system was disabled by the thief just before the robbery, the thief must be Evans.
The argument above would be valid if:
23. Political science professor: Many people insist that the Internet is revolutionizing the political process. They argue that Internet debates and online political polls and chat rooms give people greater access to political information. And they’re right that online political chatter increases daily. But offering or reading anonymous online opinions does not by itself make for active political participation. In the past one would attend a rally, protest, or town meeting to engage in real politics. Today, people sit passively in front of computer screens under the illusion that they are connecting with their fellow citizens. 
Which one of the following best expresses the main idea of the professor’s argument?
24. Sometimes people get caught in a “downward spiral,” a case in which something leads to a result which in turn leads to more of the original thing, bringing on more of the result. As the process continues, the result continually gets worse and worse. An example is when people turn to binge eating when depressed, which causes them to put on weight and feel unhealthy, which then makes them more depressed, leading to more overeating, and so on. 
The author is mainly concerned with:
25. The very large increase in allergies over the last thirty years is due to the great success of immunizations administered over this time period. Since immunizations have nearly eliminated life-threatening diseases such as polio, the human immune system increasingly targets other environmental substances in order to keep working properly. Allergy symptoms such as runny nose and itchy eyes result when the immune system attacks pollen that is breathed in from the air.
Which one of the following best expresses the main point of the passage above?

ETH 321 Week 3 Individual Assignment Contract Clause & Intellectual Property Drafting Paper

Draft a contract clause regarding one of the following topics: 
  • Dispute Resolution Clause
  • Intellectual Property (IP) Clause regarding ownership of IP
Write a paper of 700- to 1,050-words in which you explain the following: 
  • Explain any legal issues regarding your selected clause 
  • How your contract clause can be applied in a business managerial setting for either a personal, real, or IP dispute or an IP property clause regarding either owner of IP or trade secrets. 
  • In the event the contract was breached, what might be the best possible remedies for this and why? 
Cite at least 3 scholarly references.
Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines. 
Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment.

ETH 321 Week 3 Individual Assignment Business Forms Worksheet

There are seven forms of business: sole proprietorship, partnership, limited liability partnership, limited liability company (including the single member LLC), S Corporation, Franchise, and Corporation.
  1. Select one of the forms of business
  2. Research and provide three advantages and three disadvantages for this business form.
  3. Provide a 100- to 200-word summary in which you provide an example business for each form. Discuss at least one of the advantages and one of the disadvantages of that form and potential legal forms that might be required.
Business Form:

ETH 321 Week 2 Assignment Business Torts and Ethics

Create an 8- to 10-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation in which you include the following:
  • Summarize the key points of the Business Torts and Ethics  
  • Defend your collective findings and conclusions
  • Discuss the different types of torts that may arise in a business situation

ETH 321 Week 2 Individual Assignment Business Torts and Ethics Paper

Business Torts and Ethics Paper
You own University Heights Apartments, a business that rents primarily to students.  One evening, your tenant Sharon is attacked by an intruder who forces the lock on the sliding glass door of her ground-floor apartment. Sharon's screams attract the attention of Darryl, your resident manager, who comes to Sharon's aid.  Together, Darryl and Sharon drive the intruder off, but not before they both are badly cut by the intruder.
Write a paper of 700- to 1,050-words answering the questions posed by this scenario. 
  • Is the intruder liable for what he has done? Why or why not?
  • Do you have legal responsibilities to Sharon and Darryl? Why or why not?
  • Do you have ethical responsibilities to Sharon and Darryl?  Explain.  If there are ethical responsibilities, what are they?
  • What should you do to prevent or mitigate such risks?
Cite to at least four scholarly references

MGT 312 Final Exam

MGT 312 Final Exam
Regarding using personality testing as part of the hiring process, experts have concluded that:
​There are many valid instruments available to managers to test for personality types
​The effects of personality on job performance are so large it cannot be ignored by managers
​Only the Big Five should be used as predictors of job performance
​The typical personality test is not a valid predictor of job performance
According to the Ajzen model, the strongest predictor of an employee’s behavior is (are):
​The employee's attitudes
​The employee's values
​Social norms
​The employee's intentions
The process that enables us to interpret and understand our surroundings is called:
When something is _______, it stands out from its context.
​A schema
The interdisciplinary field dedicated to understanding and managing people at work is called:
​Management theory
​Organizational dynamics
​Management dynamics
​Organizational behavior
The extent to which an individual identifies with an organization and commits to its goals is called:
​Perceived organizational support
​Organizational satisfaction
​Organizational commitment
​Job involvement
Camilla, a manager, notes that while Wilhelm’s written reports are very thorough and accurate, his oral presentations are not effective. Camilla is looking at:
​Implicit factors
​Explicit factors
Chris, a manager, knows that one of his employees values achievement and power. Chris should assign the employee to a job that includes:
​High security
​High social value
​High self-direction
​High influence over others
Keyshawn is a player on a professional football team. Because of this, his play every week is scrutinized by fans and media, as well as his own coaches. Sometimes, their comments are very negative and even personal. Keyshawn will handle this better if he has a high level of _________ intelligence.
Sustainable businesses tend to be run by CEOs who are:
​The two dimensions of the competing values framework are:
​Group-individual and stable-flexible
​Internal-external and anticipatory-retrospective
​Internal-external and stable-flexible
​Internal-external and group-individual
Self-enhancement and self-transcendence are:
​Workplace attitudes
​Endpoints of one of the dimensions of values
​Personal attitudes
The productive potential of an individual’s knowledge, skills, and experiences is known as:
​Social capital
​Human capital
​Ethical capital
​Soft skills
In Ajzen’s theory of planned behavior, ___________ is (are) the key link between _________.
​Norms; intentions and planned behavior
​Intentions; attidtudes and planned behavior
​Intentions; norms and attitudes
​Attitudes; intentions and planned behavior
Performance on tests like the Scholastic Aptitude Test and the Graduate Management Admissions Test is likely to be most closely related to:
​Logical-mathematical intelligence
​Naturalist intelligence
​Intrapersonal intelligence
​Interpersonal intelligence
Organizations with adhocracy cultures are described as:
​Internally focused and valuing flexibility
​Externally focused and valuing stability and control
​Internally focused and valuing stability and control
​Externally focused and valuing flexibility
The steps in the process of stereotype formation and maintenance in order are:
​Inferences, categorization, expectations, maintenance.
​Categorization, inferences, expectations, maintenance.
​Expectations, categorization, inferences, maintenance.
​Categorization, expectations, inferences, maintenance.
Acme Movers is a company that ships goods and cargo to all locations in the United States. The employees understand that the company's primary vision of timeliness, efficiency and low-cost services is important to maintain the competitive edge over other movers in the business. They constantly work to ensure that all deliveries reach their destinations on schedule, and the company, in turn, rewards the employees with performance-based awards and profit sharing. Which function of organizational culture is exemplified here? 
​Giving members an organizational identity
​Shaping behavior by helping members make sense of their surroundings
​Promoting social system stability
​Facilitating collective commitment
Joyce finds that the members of the project team to which she has been assigned in her management class are all athletes on the college’s football and basketball teams. She immediately considers dropping the class because she thinks her experience with that team will be negative. Joyce is likely to be reacting to a:
​Negativity bias
​Self-serving bias
​Semantic memory
Research shows that, in general:
​Social capital decreases organizational performance.
​Social capital increases group conflict.
​Social capital can improve operations.
​Social capital decreases work group integration.
Stimulation is in the ____________ part of Schwartz’s model.
​Openness to change
The contingency approach suggests that:
​A manager needs to learn a set of hard-and-fast rules.
​There is one best way to manage.
​OB theories apply to all situations.
​The best answer depends on the situation.
A person can build his/her social capital by:
​Getting a mentor
​Being trained in new skills
​Shadowing a higher-level manager
​Learning a new language
The corporate staff in the accounting department at ABC Corporation went on 12-hour days during the holiday season, just like the regular retail employees do during that season. This is an example of a(n) _________ change.
​Radically innovative
Which of the following is the least fixed of a person’s individual differences?
​Cognitive abilities
The distinction between flexible and fixed individual differences:
​Has no practical value for managers
​Is that managers should hire people based on their attitudes and emotions
​Is that managers have little or no impact on flexible differences
​Is that managers have little or no impact on fixed differences
Janelle, one of Abdul’s employees, has performed poorly on many aspects of her job since she was hired four months ago. This is likely to be attributed to:
​External causes
​Internal causes
​Self-serving bias
​Fundamental bias
Which of the following mechanisms for changing organizational culture addresses all three levels of culture?
​Deliberate role modeling, training, and coaching
​Rites and rituals
​Workflow and organizational structure
​Organizational goals
The potential to understand and regulate oneself is known as:
​Kinesthetic intelligence
Naturalist intelligence
​Intrapersonal intelligence
​Interpersonal intelligence
___________ is associated with success for managers and salespeople.
​Emotional stability

MGT 312 Week 5 Individual Assignment CAREER CONNECTION Socialization and Mentoring Presentation

CAREER CONNECTION: This assignment builds socialization skills and establishes the importance of mentoring to aid in career advancement.
The team has been invited to present at a conference before top executives of Fortune 500 companies. The topic the team is presenting on is "How Can Socialization and Mentoring Be Used For Career Advancement?"
Create a 10- to 15-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation in which you address the following as they relate to the topic:
  • How can socialization and mentoring be used to advance a career?
  • How can socialization and mentoring help minimize resistance to change using the contingency approach?
  • How can socialization and mentoring help people embrace these changes as a part of career advancement?
  • Include Feldman's three-phase model of socialization and the six socialization tactics as part of the discussion.
Cite a minimum of 3 peer-reviewed sources other than your textbook.
Format the references according to APA guidelines and include as a reference slide at the end of the presentation.